La_Original.mp3 Lyrics – Emilia, TINI

La_Original.mp3 Lyrics From La_Original.mp3 Song Is English Song Sung By Emilia, TINI With Music Also Given By Emilia, TINI. La_Original.mp3 Song Lyrics Are Written By Emilia, TINI

La_Original.mp3 Lyrics - Emilia, TINI

Song Details:-
Song Title:- La_Original.mp3
Artist:- Emilia, TINI
Post By:- Emilia, TINI
Released Date:- 3 Nov 2023

“La_Original.mp3 Lyrics”

Emilia, TINI

(En español)

Voy flow leyenda, cómo Madonna en los 90
Cuando entro yo, cierran la tienda
La pasarela tiembla, la T y la E no inventan
Pero cuando se apaga la TV, se siente bien portarse mal

Nos vamos a desconocer, hoy vos vas a conocer
La versión original, porque ahora que nadie nos ve
Vamo hacerlo profesional, nos vamos a desconocer
Hoy vos vas a conocer, la versión original

Flash, flash, pose, pose
Mira mi cara en portada de Vogue
Diva argentina, doy clases de flow
Tini, ya es mucho tiempo acá arriba en el top

Stop, pongo los dramas en off
Mientras vos le pones play a mi song
No tengo tiempo, no sé ni quién sos
Yo solo veo mi gente en el show

Dulce como miel y duele como dagas en la piel
Salte al vacío sin caer, y al renacer
Hoy puedo ser, cuando nadie me ve


(In English)

I go flow legend, like Madonna in the 90s
When I come in, they close the store
The catwalk trembles, the T and the E do not invent
But when the TV goes off, it feels good to misbehave

We are going to know each other, today you are going to know
The original version, because now that no one sees us
Let’s make it professional, we’re going to ignore each other
Today you are going to know the original version

Flash, flash, pose, pose
Look at my face on the cover of Vogue
Argentine diva, I teach flow classes
Tini, it’s been a long time up here at the top

Stop, I put the dramas on off
While you put play on my song
I don’t have time, I don’t even know who you are
I only see my people in the show

Sweet as honey and hurts like daggers on the skin
Jump into the void without falling, and upon rebirth
Today I can be, when no one sees me


Emilia, TINI – La_Original.mp3 (Official Video) 

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